Brief Outline 
This project was a technical project that focused on perspective and how to depict it. The project allowed us to depict perspective with every day objects, such as small figurines to telephone poles. Multimedia was used, such as graphite pencil, pen and inkwash, which we used for the very first time. One, Two and Three point perspectives were introduced to us and we were encouraged how to accurately depict all of these perspectives. The main aim of this project is to learn how to accurately depict perspective at any angle with any object. 
Exercise 1.1 - Cube atmospheric drawing in graphite pencil on paper 
Exercise 1.2 - Atmospheric drawing in graphite pencil on paper 
Exercise 2.1 - Domestic objects of similar size in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 2.2 - Domestic objects of variation in graphite pencil on paper 
Exercise 3 - Pictorial application of telephone poles in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 4 - X-method to divide cube into 8x8 in graphite pencil on paper 
Exercise 5 - Freehand ellipse sheet in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 6 - Freehand cube landscape in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 7 - Construction of 3 grids with different EL's in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 8 - Low EL room in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 9 - Totem stack in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 10 - Cheat sheet of cube and multiplication in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 11 - Cheat sheet objects (2 objects created by multiplying the cube in both 45 and 30/60) in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 12 - Toy truck in graphite pencil on paper 
Exercise 13 - Stripped planes in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 14 - Cubes on landscape in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 15 - Higher EL interior in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 16 - 2 point grid in graphite pencil on paper
Exercise 17 - OXO cube in graphite pencil on paper 
Exercise 18 - MA Exercise 1 in graphite on paper 
Exercise 19 - MA Exercise 2 in graphite on paper
Exercise 20 - Cube for inventive designs (3 objects in orthographic views and projections) in graphite on paper
Exercise 21 - Observational drawings (at least 5 objects) in graphite on paper 
Exercise 22 - Stove Drawing - skeletal sphere in graphite on paper
Exercise 23 - Stove drawing - stove in graphite on paper
Exercise 24 - Slanted planes (box and ramps) in graphite on paper
Exercise 25 - Photos 
Exercise 26 - Orthographic drawing of box in graphite on paper
Exercise 27 - Ink Drawings - ink wash on paper 
This project helped me become comfortable with depicting perspective with different forms. I approached the project with sensitivity and precision. I felt that I started off this project with a bit of a struggle but as I carried on I became more comfortable with perspective and I felt comfortable doing the ink wash drawings. I enjoyed working with the ink and it was so much fun experimenting with a new medium. 
Exercise 1.1 & 1.2
Exercise 2.1, 2.2 and 3
Exercise 4, 5, & 6
Exercise 7
Exercise 8 & 9
Exercise 10, 11 & 12
Exercise 13 & 14
Exercise 15, 16 & 17
Exercise 18 & 20
Exercise 21 & 22
Exercise 23 & 24
Exercise 25
Exercise 26
Exercise 27




Creative Fields